About D.E.I. and D.S.C.
Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI) is a 106-year-old institution situated in Agra, U.P., India, imparting quality education to the last, least, lowest and the lost of the country. DEI is an example of beautiful synergy between academia and its founding community called Dayalbagh (translated as the ‘Garden of the Merciful’). Dayalbagh, a self-reliant community of spiritual seekers who practice Ultra-Transcendental Meditation (Sehaj Surat Shabd Yoga), is a utopia in today’s dystopian world. With more than 5,00,000 followers across the world, Dayalbagh reaches out to its members in ‘Virtuous Virtual Reality Mode’ every day through its 477±1 ICT enabled centres across the globe for Trinity of Education (Spiritual at the highest level). Spiritual legacy of this community was laid by its first spiritual master Param Purush Puran Dhani Soami ji Maharaj in 1818. Present spiritual Master Most Revered Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi Sahab is an internationally known technologist and the Father of the Systems Movement in India, who graduated from Michigan State University in the US and did His doctoral work from University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada. After Completion of His studies, he joined the Indian Institute of Technology, Delhi (IIT Delhi). In 1994 Rev Prof. Satsangi took voluntary retirement from IIT Delhi and joined as the honorary Director/Vice-Chancellor of Dayalbagh Educational Institute (Deemed to be University). On the 18th May, 2003, a congregation of 25,000 followers of Radhasoami Faith acclaimed Rev Prof. Prem Saran Satsangi Saheb as the eighth Spiritual Master of the Radhasoami Faith, Dayalbagh, Agra. Rev.Prof. Satsangi is also the Chairman of the Advisory Committee on Education, the apex (non-statutory) body serving as the think-tank for DEI and its Sponsoring Body, Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh, Agra-282005, U.P., India. Under HIS guidance DEI embarked on a new research arena, ‘Towards Evolutionary Arts Science Engineering of Consciousness (TEASE and consciousness)’. His work in this area was internationally acclaimed by receiving the highest ever altimetric score for a research publication. DEI every year organizes the Winter Session of the Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness (DSC), a one day conference on the 1st of January, which is also celebrated as the Education Day and Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness Day in DEI and Dayalbagh. With Rev Prof. Satsangi Himself as the Chair, this conference is internationally co-organized by University of Waterloo (Canada), the University of Birmingham (UK) and the University of Kiel (Germany).
The Winter Session of the Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness (DSC 2021) is a virtual congregation of the contemporaries from across the globe organized by the Dayalbagh Educational Institute (DEI) (Deemed to be University) Agra-282005, India., along with its sponsoring body the Radhasoami Satsang Sabha, Dayalbagh. Aligned to its vision, DEI is pursuing excellence in the area of Consciousness, Agriculture and Entrepreneurship. Since inception, Consciousness Studies has been core to our educational framework.
Our indulgence towards a Science of Consciousness through Commentaries and discussions internationally, took a leap forward in 2008 with the National Systems Conference organized by the Systems Society of India. The chapter of ‘East-West Forum’ by DEI as a part of ‘The Science of Consciousness’ (TSC) conference series since 2012, organized by the University of Arizona, Tucson, USA, was yet another milestone in the endeavour. The East-West forum chapter of TSC was organised by DEI for 5 years, ever since in every subsequent TSC (2012-2018) events. Thus, began the journey and today, DEI holds an independent bi-annual conference series, DSC, that began in 2019 with its first International event held in August at the University of Waterloo, Canada and an International (virtual) event that was held at Agra, India in May this year. The virtual international event (in May 2020) had a participation of about 100 thousand from 21 countries. The forthcoming Winter Session of DSC 2021 event is scheduled on the 1st of January 2022, the day we celebrate as the ‘Education Day’ and Dayalbagh Science of Consciousness Day at DEI.